Climate Change/Solar Energy

December 6, 2021
Climate Change/Solar Energy

What's the deal with climate change? 

"Climate change" is a bit of a broad stroke description, for it is often used when describing patterns and changes in the Earth's climate over a long period. The title is almost self-explanatory. However, these changes generally do not point to a positive adjustment. Enter "global warming" - defined as a gradual increase in the planet's overall temperature since the late 19th century (Pre-Industrial Age). Earth is slowly getting hotter, undoubtedly causing many changes in the globe-wide climate system. 

Global warming is not a natural phenomenon but rather the result of humankind's impact on the planet. The causes of global warming include:

  • Burning fossil fuels (coal, natural gas) to generate electricity
  • Deforestation and tree clearing
  • Farming and ranching/agriculture

The Earth is like a giant greenhouse, and there is a proper balance of chemicals/gases needed to function correctly. Upset the scale, and things do not work as well as they once did. If you continue to "pollute" the greenhouse, eventually, it will stop working altogether. 

Global warming and climate change are not the same things. Global warming impacts the changes noted in science and the media, and it is good to know the effect that global warming has on the planet, such as:

  • Hotter temperatures
  • Rising sea levels
  • Increased "extreme" weather events
  • Increased droughts/lack of rain

These effects are all impacting climate patterns AND upsetting the balance in the greenhouse. So, what changes are happening with the climate causing such concern? 

Few Facts about Climate Change:

  • 2020 is currently the hottest year on the record (2016 held the title previously)
  • Over one million species could be at risk of extinction.
  • The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is currently at its highest level EVER. 
  • Over 10% of gas imbalance to the greenhouse/the planet is linked to deforestation.
  • Over 800 million people worldwide are susceptible to the adverse effects of climate change.

The facts make the problem sound almost too daunting, too far gone for anything to be done to stop the negative trend. It does sound serious because it is serious - there isn't a spare planet in a closet somewhere that humanity can move to once this planet dies. But at the same time, things are not so bad that the negative trend cannot turn around. 

One of the most significant contributing factors to global warming and climate change is the use of fossil fuels to generate electricity. 

The sun is an abundant source of energy, and unlike fossil fuels, is not in danger of being completely expended. Using solar power as an electrical power source is no longer a "far-fetched" idea. Both private citizens and business owners now have much easier access and opportunity to rely on solar energy as an energy source.

Benefits of Solar Power

  • Reduces dependence on traditional power sources
  • Reduces reliance on fossil fuels
  • Provides clean energy for home or business
  • Increases value of residential properties
  • Helps fight global warming/climate change
  • Saves money - lowers energy bills

Home and business owners may also qualify for federal tax credits when switching from traditional energy consumption to solar energy. But the best benefit is that solar power provides a cleaner energy alternative to fossil fuels and conventional electricity. It's neither as complicated nor as expensive as most people might assume. Given everything currently happening to the planet, maybe it's time to look into solar energy. 

To compare solar financing options and see how much you can save, use our solar calculator below.

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Jillian Dumont
San Francisco